Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tubby time

Bathing Miss Anna has not always been so easy. Our initial attempts in the bathtub were fine, so long as you were wearing ear plugs. We finally figured out that the kitchen sink was much preferred and have been having fun tubbies ever since, though Nanner is still not totally convinced that this is a necessary part of her day.
Hhhmmm. Looking a little uncertain of this large amount of moisture.
Utterly confused about the presence of an unknown yet pleasantly fragrant and squishy substance being rubbed around.
Downright ornery.
Explaining to mommy that, while she is now cozy, this was not exactly her idea of fun.


  1. I love bath pictures. She's soooo CUTE!!!

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    And she thoroughly enjoyed her first live baseball game last night, cheering for Chipper Jones and watching the big screen BravesVision in the outfield with fascination. She is, however, demanding a larger TV at home now...
