Wednesday, June 27, 2007

a cape town accomplishment

We made it to the end of the world twice during days in Cape Town. The very tip of Africa ends in a little U-shaped cape. On one tip is the Cape of Good Hope, where we ended our 2nd day, and Cape Point, where we ended our last day. Cape Point is really interesting because it actually has a big rock formation that jets out into the Atlantic, which of course we could not skip walking out to the end to see. We were dodging squalls and slippery rocks on our not-so-short hike, but it was sooooo worth it!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Just a few work photos

In the craziness of being away, plus the ridiculously slow connection, many posts that I had wanted to do just had to wait. I just want to share a little more of my time in Malawi. And don't worry, there will be many more of Park and I on our vacay!
my guys: Andrew & Edward, or as we lovingly call them, Adverse Events :)

Baby scale
OK. I'll admit it, we staged this one. But really only because I couldn't get my camera out fast enough to catch Edward talking on the phone and coordinating at the same time with someone else by CB for real!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Weekend in Brooklyn

While Park was Medieval Times-ing with the boys in Chicago, Shannon and I ventured to Brooklyn for some quality girl and wee Carter time. And, ok, before Park shoots, they also went to the Cubs-Padres game at Wrigley and did other man-stuff. We focused on girl-fun...basically hanging out in Prospect Park, a little shopping, fun dinner and lots of chatting! The wee-Carter time was amazing. He is the sweetest little nugget in the world, though technically not so little. Apparently, he's so tall that Eli occasionally has to reassure people that he's only ~13 months and that it is still natural for him not to be walking and talking. Seriously, the kid was TOWERING over another boy 4 months older than him at the park.

Gratuitous nudie shot

And yes, he is already almost taller than Aunt Ashley

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pensacola Weekend

Spent this past weekend in Pensacola to celebrate Allen's XXth birthday. We definitely had a blast hangin at the pool with Lori, Adam and the girls......sorry no photos while poolside. Hung out with Lisa, Pete and Adam Friday night.

yes, that is a krispy kreme cake with 60 candles in it. Oh, oops, did I say 60?