Monday, June 16, 2008

Recent Times!

As we move along in June, thought we'd share some more pics and fun times! Anna is 15 weeks and already growing out of some of her clothes! Hard to believe.

Here is the punki'nanner finding her feet on a quilt made my co-worker Martha's mother! How photogenic!

Ever since Anna started sleeping in her crib instead of the Moses Basket, Murphy has moved in... we raised the rent.

We celebrated Eric's birthday with a nice meal at Osteria with Hillary, Eric and Violet. The gals say 'Hi!'

Anna joined us at the table and was very social! She had milk with a milk appetizer and a side of milk, and extra milk. Then watched Dad eat his pizza.

Next up, we hung out with Cart-Cart and Nonna for the day part of Father's Day.

And then on to Uncle T, Aunt Eli and Cousin Carter's house for a Father's Day Feast. Steak, Twice-Baked Potatoes and Ceaser Salad (best meal ever)! Here, Anna and Uncle T discuss the sound 'Oooh.'


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Waaah! I want to be there - she seems to be a real DOLL! Love GB

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    So you didn't get tofu and carrot juice for Father's Day after all!

    Your meal sounds like the next best thing to Skip and Pete's BBQ plate.

  3. Don't forget the deviled eggs for an app!

  4. Park....don't eat that baby!!!!

    Jack says hi!

  5. Hi Jack!

    OK, so DON'T eat the baby... got it.
