Monday, August 08, 2011

Gwinnet Braves game

A Fowlkes-filled afternoon!  Though Anna did not appreciate the noise and we spent a considerable amount of the game in the restaurant, we managed to squeeze in some fun fowlkes family time.  The highlight was the moment that will be burned in my memory forever.  We're standing on a hillside and I, in a moment of true idiocy did not lock the stroller, and then turned away while talking.  All I remember is that in a split second, Elizabeth's face went white and she was suddenly running down the hill after Anna in her stroller.  More than worth note that Elizabeth is 9 months pregnant, no less.  Fortunately, there was a fence not too far down and Anna was unhurt after crashing into it.  Definitely one of those "I'm the worst mother in the world" moments.

The rest of the afternoon was smooth by comparison.  Here is one of the only pictures I took:  an incredibly sweet one of Cart Cart, Park and Anna.

More pix taken by Elizabeth-sorry, she was too busy to film the chase down the hill.


  1. Cart Cart8:24 AM

    After the stroller moment, a coach throwing in the bullpen below the small hill, who had witnessed the event, tossed a baseball to Anna as a souveneir. As evidenced from the picture above, she recovered quickly. It was a fun afternoon!

  2. Oh I so understand those "worst mom in the world" moments. So glad the day wasn't ruined. Miss chatting with you Ashley!
