Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pensacola Beach week!

We spent the first week of December at Omi and Gampa's house. It had just gotten cold in Atlanta, but was still beautiful in FL. We had a great time on the beach with our little ones, but we had a really great time going out at night while the babysitters took care of said little ones.

This is how mommies and daddies get babies. They fall from the sky. And that's the story we're stickin' with!

Out on the fishing pier. I think it's ~1/4 mile to the end. In any case it's gorgeous.

Anna started the day scared of the water, so we played "dodge the waves". About 20 minutes later we had to stop her from running into the Gulf!
Sammy snoozing with an ocean view. Not a bad nap spot!

1 comment:

  1. Cart Cart10:49 AM

    Looks like everybody enjoyed the winter beach trip, especially, Anna!
