Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Here are some brief snapshots of this past weekend... on Friday we visited with Peter, Katie, Ellie, Eric and Violet at the Wassermansion - Saturday we headed to the Pumpkin Patch near Athens - and on Sunday, had a nice dinner at the Other Fowlkes' in Decatur to celebrate Dad/Carter/Cart-Cart's birthday!

Here is Anna playing in Ellie's car... she has a new favorite toy we think!

Following up on Elizabeth's post, we went out to the pumpkin patch (Washington Farms), which also had hayrides, cow train rides, slides, corn mazes, piglet races and other fun stuff... these next few shots were too cute!
And finally, a shot of T, Cart-Cart, Anna and Carter at the celebration!
There are more pictures, but wanted to give a taste.


  1. Cart Cart9:59 AM

    The third down is now on the fridge......

  2. Cart Cart10:00 AM

    Oops...make that "next to last"

  3. I just love these pix of Anna and Carter holding hands. They are so precious together! Happy that they have each other!
