Sunday, July 26, 2009

Anna Slides & moe.

At the playground in our neighborhood, Anna has discovered the slide and loves to go down it by herself... the following shots are from 2 separate occasions, but we wanted to get the entire trip down... notice the static electricity in her hair! So funny:

Ash and I got a rare afternoon/early evening to ourselves while Thomas, Elizabeth and Carter hung out with Anna. We met up with friends Brad and Leslie to go to the moe./Ratdog show at the Masquerade Music Park... we had a blast and the weather was surprisingly perfect considering it was outdoors in Atlanta in July.

The crew.
moe. onstage.
And we just had to get Anna a souvenir... we went gender-neutral so we can hand-me-down to Sammy when it's his turn!!
All in all, great times!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! glad you got to go get your moe. on!
