Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter weekend with Omi and Grampallen

For Easter weekend and my mom's birthday, she and Allen headed up to 'lanter for a visit. These pictures are from their camera, so naturally, you will not find any in which my mom actually appears. They took Anna out for the day on Friday, while mommy and daddy worked away. Though they had to do a bit of rain dodging, they managed to have a wonderful day with Nanner.
One of my favorite faces she makes caught on camera!
My little princess in her pj's.
Mommy trying to convey the concept of smelling flowers, though flowers with scent would probably help the process. Easter cupcake.....she still won't tear in like her baby brethren. It seems that, like daddy, she's "tidy".


  1. Love the pic of you and Anna with the flowers, Ashley! And the one of her making her face! Funny!

  2. Cart Cart5:17 PM

    The puffy cheek stare is wonderful, but then they all are.

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Gotta love that Grampallen...
