Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Copyright Violations

So, I've been caught.

Twice now (Facebook and YouTube) my video of Anna Behind the Scenes at the mall after visiting Santa has been taken down due to a copyright violation of the song 'Foggy Mountain Breakdown' by Flatt & Scruggs.

Now, on YouTube, you can say 'well I am not making any money off this, it's a video of my daughter at the mall, it's a home video, no harm intended, sorry' and they'll usually let you keep it up. Facebook does not give you that option.

And neither does Flatt & Scruggs.. these guys are serious about protecting their music. Anyways, I re-edited the Anna behind the scenes video to another song, which hasn't hunted me down and informed me I've violated anything a this point.

All I know is, Anna is really cute, and the video could have no music and all would be fine, but it just adds that little something.

Blogspot has not notified me of anything yet, which is cool, but I may get a notice, so in that case, here is the video with new music.