Thursday, August 07, 2008

Oh, Brother Part II

As a follow up to the post on Thomas & Elizabeth's blog, I thought I would share a story.  

As I'm in the process of transferring my video footage over to my computer, I stumble upon a quick few seconds of my brother making an independent film of his face.  "Surely they'll never notice it," thinks Thomas as he covertly 'borrows' the camera when no one is around.  He proceeds to shoot this critically acclaimed masterpiece:

So at this point, he begins to think, "Actually, I can't wait for them to find it... what a hoot!"

Well, we found it... and we've taken this small independent film and made it a ridiculously huge summer blockbuster extravaganza.  Ladies and gentlemen, This Is My Brother!

Now, that's a hoot.


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  2. Look at what happens when the Man gets your independent film! My arts is ruined, I say! Ruined! but I still get royalties, right?
