Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day festivities

We had a very exciting weekend here in 'lanter. My mom and Allen were in town for some shopping and big city adventures. Though we sadly did not make our way to Dragon*con (next year or bust!), we certainly had much more fun at the Decatur Book Festival. JK. Actually, with the weather finally giving us a break, there couldn't have been anything finer. Sunday night we all headed to Burk and Heather's for a yummy bbq to celebrate Labor Day in proper fashion. Harrison was the clear winner of the "Cute with Bubbles" Award.

Peter proved his father with camera capabilities with this auto-timer pic of everyone as the night ended. What's with that giant belly on Ash? Hmm...anything going on there?

To wrap up the weekend, Thomas arrived to begin the 'lanter recolation project. Per their blog, we should have them settled in by October, but not without herculean effort. We'll be so happy for them to be here, but even happier for them to be here and finished with their month of mayhem. I think Carter's opinion on the subject shows in this picture ;)


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Congratulations on that little belly! I understand there is an amazing little person growing in there.....

    Can't wait to see you again,

  2. I deliberately checked out your blog to see if you were posting belly pictures yet - Yay, you are! And look how cute those future grandparents are!! Can we call them Mammy and Pappy???

    GreatAunt Jan

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Me too!!! I've been so patiently waiting to see the bump. The pic is fantastic!

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Hey Jan,
    Thanks for the Mammy and Pappy suggestion but really, I'm thinking more along the lines of "Your Majesty!"
